
 You come to your home

Upset and about to cry

And you find a way to unsee

The things you have been forced to face

So you go masturbating.

You are eating the crumbles of love from dirty floor

While they are eating a whole menu

By someone else

You go cryingly masturbating.

You have been threatened to live

Open your eyes for at least sixteen hours

And you hate and loathe what you see

You go hatefully masturbating.

When you see yourself on the mirror

You want to bludgeon your fatty and stubborn belly

In the same time you are eating a lot because of

Deprivation of a kind love on yourself by you and any another one

You go ashamedly and dissapearence-wantedly masturbate.

You masturbate.

Everyone masturbate

It doesnt have to be sexual

Even a music genre or being poet might be done to masturbate

You want to split yourself into 100 parts

And wanted to be eaten by dogs

Because of dissapearence

No escape from masturbation.

You get undermined sheerly and invisibly

On the street, in the school or in your very home

Your project-being become a disaster-being

You open and red-heartedly and underteared masturbate.

They force you to blow into wind thingy

They force you to produce a prettty sound

You hate yourself because of not being able to do

And make everything crap

You are forced to go on the same way your parents drew

You infestedly and imprisonedly, most importantly

desperately masturbate.

You stare on the greenish album or coloured flag

You see people vicissitudelessly and loathelessly love each other and themselves

You look at your body and you don't even want to be seen when you kill yourself by your life-exploiting and soundy faculty

You squeeze your teeth, swallow your eye tears and then what? again, masturbate.

You get degraded

You get crumbled and become thirsty of even oedipal love

You get forced to move on your trauma-consisted bones

And you want dogs to tuck in and polish them off

By the time you get out of your mother

Until you die and you disguise your hate towards everyone

You will be harassed and made believe that there will be award

Masturbation is a 5-minute award

You cannot not-masturbate

They threaten you in order for you not to end it

You get manipulated for living even if you hate and cry even religiously

You are inprisoned and confined into desperately live!!!

After your hope and wish has not become true again

Being shot on head or stabbed on very bottom of your tired and loosened heart

You come to your house, your stinky but for you, mouth-watering bed

You radiohead-ly, dsbm-ly, smokingly and hastely masturbate.

No escape left for even children, alter and old people

Everyone masturbate

Under being threatened


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